About Us
The School of Psychology
The School of Psychology was established in 1958 and is part of the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences. We currently have over 450 undergraduate students and over 100 postgraduate students. We offer an undergraduate degree accredited by the British Psychology Society and a breadth of postgraduate qualifications, including professional doctorates.
Our Mission
To expand psychological knowledge and skills with our teaching and research excellence.
We fulfil our mission throughout our School within areas of Education, Research and Collaboration, ensuring inclusion is embedded in everything we do.
We are proud of our achievements at individual and School level. The only psychology department to hold an ATHENA Gold SWAN award is testament to the progress we have made towards supporting career development in science for both female staff and students. Our supportive environment embraces the diversity of both staff and students, making it an inclusive place to work.
The quality of our educational provision is recognised by awards to both staff – Best Personal Tutor Awards and students – winner of UK Graduate of the Year in Social Sciences and Humanities at the British Graduate 100 Awards.