Women in Business (WIBNI) 2018 Awards
The Women in Business Awards celebrate, reward and acknowledge the hard work and achievements of some of the most successful, entrepreneurial and inspiring business women throughout Northern Ireland. Now in its 8th year, the Women in Business Awards allow all sectors and industries to come together for an evening of celebration to recognise home grown talent and the contribution that women make to the economic life of Northern Ireland.
This year’s Awards were held at the Crowne Plaza, Shaws Bridge on the 8th November. The Women in Business Awards celebrate, acknowledge and reward the hard work and achievements of some of Northern Ireland's most successful entrepreneurs, business owners, senior managers and leaders.
As well as hosting a table at the event, Queen’s Management School sponsored two awards in Advancing Diversity. The winners of the awards were:
Vicky Davies from Danske Bank – Winner of Award for Advancing Diversity in the Workplace for an Individual
Allstate Northern Ireland – Winner of Award for Advancing Diversity in the Workplace for a Company
QMS sends our warmest congratulations to the winners.