International Business, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing (IBEM)
International Business, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing (IBEM)

Director of Research Engagement and Impact
Michael is a business historian whose research addresses the ownership and organisation of firms. His research has examined how firms involved in international trade shaped processes of globalisation. Currently, he is investigating British CEOs, examining who gets to the top of the corporate ladder and how they impact firm performance. He teaches strategic management at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive levels.

Christopher's teaching and research span across the areas of entrepreneurship, organisation and ethics. Focusing on the relationships entrepreneurs and organisations have with their stakeholders and the world more broadly, he investigates the influence of speed and power in the shaping of these relationships. He coordinates the Business Start Up module.

Ulf is a practical-empirical strategist, digital transformation expert and leadership scholar. His research lies in the field of international business strategy, with a focus on multinational corporations in emerging markets. In addition, he is interested in exploring the co-alignment of technology-led disruption, change leadership and organisational culture. He directs and teaches academic modules at undergraduate and graduate level as well as executive education programmes for business leaders.

Grace conducts research into marketing, with a specific focus on the deployment of market intelligence in small businesses, antecedents of marketing capabilities, agri-food markets, and the dynamics of retail buyer-supplier relationships. Grace teaches the principles of marketing and international marketing at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Hongryol's research focuses on how business ecosystems are initially formed, then evolve over time, and are ultimately controlled by a self-organisation mechanism. His research lies at the intersection between global strategy, organisational control, and complexity in international contexts. Hongryol’s teaching expertise are in international business and in the multinational enterprise.

Programme Director (MSc International Business)
Kieran's research lies at the intersection of global strategy and international management. He is interested in understanding the evolution of corporate strategies and global leadership in multinational firms. This includes headquarter-subsidiary relationships, global mobility, knowledge coordination, and global human capital. He teaches global strategy, international management, and international HRM.

Associate Director of Undergraduate Education
Mike conducts research into international business strategy, with a focus on geographic and institutional contexts and regional development issues. He teaches international business at undergraduate level. At postgraduate level, he teaches global innovation management and business governance and ethics.

Ofer’s teaching philosophy is closely tied to his research and is recognised for innovative teaching methods. His research on SMEs in developing economies, including work with smallholder farmers in Africa, explores the impact of globalisation and ICT technologies. Ofer aims to foster discussions on ecosystems that help SMEs compete globally.

Hilary is a transformative consumer researcher with interests in consumer vulnerability, health and wellbeing, and disability. She adopts ethnographic and arts-based research approaches to explore consumers’ lived experience.

Ammu's research lies in international economics, with a focus on digital payments, sustainability, and foreign direct investment (FDI). Her research explores the economic impact of digital payment adoption and central bank digital currencies, banks' role in achieving net-zero carbon emissions, and how regulatory policy shifts affect FDI in emerging markets.

Programme Director (BSc International Business with a Modern Language)
Andrei's research interests include innovation management and crowdsourcing, digital platforms and the gig economy, and social innovations in emerging markets. He has taught in the areas of technology and innovation management, strategic management, and international business.

Programme Director (BSc Business Management), Diversity Seminar Organiser in the Gender Equality Committee
Thomas has a background in economic geography. His research interests are the political economy of work and employment, with a particular interest in labour market regulation. Much of his research examines the role of different institutional actors in helping labour markets develop, function and cohere. He teaches human resource management, and contemporary and emerging issues in business at undergraduate level. He has also taught courses at different levels on organisational behaviour, consultancy, leadership and organisational behaviour, and research methods.

Pro-Vice Chancellor (Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences)
Nola’s research interests include the dynamics of innovation ecosystems in an international context, innovation, technology transfer and networks with an emphasis on small and medium enterprises, business strategy and technology adoption.

Sol's research explores the impact of emerging technologies on marketing, with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. By addressing both the opportunities and challenges these technologies present, she aims to provide practical insights for real-world applications and advancing the understanding of technology's role in Marketing.

Adviser of Studies (BSc International Business with a Modern Language)
Chuan conducts research into digital marketing, customer relationship management, co-branding, and social media marketing. He teaches digital marketing by employing a research-informed teaching method.

Amy's (Siqiao) research interests cut across the disciplinary areas of international business, knowledge management, innovation and technology, and marketing. Amy has expertise in both qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques, including qualitative interviews, case studies, and the development of quantitative surveys. Amy's teaching experience is aligned to her research interests.

Programme Director (BSc International Business with a Modern Language)
Lisa's research interests cut across the fields of entrepreneurship, innovation and international business. In particular, her research has focused on international and academic entrepreneurship, technology transfer, innovation, dynamic capabilities and SME strategic management. Lisa's teaching focuses on the broad areas of innovation management, international business, leadership and general management theory.

Advisor of Studies for Level One BSc Business Management with Placement
Kevin is an applied economist. His research interests include the economics of innovation and science policy, and evaluating the impact of public funding for R&D on firm-level innovation and business performance using quantitative econometric methods.

Programme Director (MSc Marketing)
Mark’s research is on the workings of institutions at the intersections of industrial markets, technologies in use, policy and organisational strategies. Mark is presently researching early stage environments in market or technology breakthroughs for net zero pathway transitions. He teaches strategic marketing and marketing management to postgraduates.

Head of Department of International Business, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing (IBEM)
Nripendra's current research interests focus primarily on adoption and diffusion of emerging ICTs, e-commerce, m-commerce, e-government, digital and social media marketing, and role of artificial intelligence on consumer decision-making and behaviour. He has established his teaching interests related to digital and social media marketing, which is important and fast-developing area.

Postgraduate Research Coordinator (IBEM)
Christian's research focusses on the effect of vocational education and training on innovation processes in companies, social innovation with an emphasis on clean energy supply, and mixed method designs with Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). His teaching focuses on research methods and innovation management.

Director of Research
Simon's teaching and research sit within the area of entrepreneurship as social change. Focusing on the interface between public policies and organisational behaviour, he investigates the collaborative contexts from which new forms of social innovation emerge. Methodologically he combines innovative combinations of ethnographic, network analysis and discourse analysis techniques.

Director of Internationalisation
Alex uses qualitative research methods to address questions in the field of open strategy. He is particularly interested in exploring how IT and social media shape strategic work. He also researches the role and purpose of business schools as part of the higher education landscape. His teaching spans strategy and management.

Examination Officer (MBA and PGCert Operations and Supply Chain)
Yaomin's research investigates organisational complexities governing digital architecture, especially relating to platforms and sharing communities. Her research bridges sociological theories with information systems, responding to how can social relationships be deployed for platform multi-value creation, and how do digitally-materialised evaluations influence platform legitimacy and evolution. Yaomin teaches information systems in organisations at undergraduate level.