Professor Gavin Davidson - inaugural lecture

School of SSESW academic Gavin Davidson delivered his inaugural lecture, as Praxis Chair of Social Care, at the Praxis Care Research Conference at Queen’s University in November 2023. The conference focus was on research to inform further development of services that effectively and safely meet the complex needs of people who have co-occurring mental health problems, learning disabilities and/or autism.
Gavin Davidson moved to Queen’s University in 2008 after working in mental health services, as a social worker, for twelve years. In his inaugural lecture, he focused on the importance of human rights and social justice in the areas of law, policy and practice around complex needs. He also highlighted the benefits of working with Praxis Care as a research partner in order to inform change and promote positive outcomes for service users and carers.
At the conference, a combination of international and Northern Ireland based research was presented to an engaged audience of policy makers, service providers, service users, carers and researchers. The event was supported by SSESW, Praxis and the Research and Development Division of the Public Health Agency.
Information on research and publications by Gavin Davidson
Recording of Gavin Davidson's lecture (Vimeo)