Keep Your Coins - I Want Change! Understanding and Responding to Domestic and Sexual Violence
The School of Nursing and Midwifery and the FMHLS Gender Equality Team invites you to attend this virtual seminar by Dr Susan Lagdon, Lecturer in Psychology (Mental Health), Ulster University.

Date: Monday 8th March 2021
Time: 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm
Location: Microsoft Teams
*This is a FREE event open to all staff and students
Dr Susan Lagdon is a Lecturer in Psychology (Mental Health) at Ulster University, based within the School of Psychology and Institute of Mental Health Sciences. Susan’s research interests include domestic and sexual violence and abuse, particularly the mental health implications of interpersonal trauma and the availability and types of support for victims.
Susan completed her PhD during 2016 which focused on intimate partner violence, mental health, and service experience in Northern Ireland. This work included the publication of "Every Voice Counts", a research report which looked at the policing response to victims of intimate partner violence. Following the uptake of the report’s recommendations, Susan and colleagues published the short report “If Everybody Helps!”, which evaluated the efficacy of Domestic Abuse Support Workers placed in Northern Ireland police stations in aiding victim response.
Susan co-supervises several research students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and contributes to the teaching of advanced research methods and forensic psychology and crime within the School of Psychology. Susan is currently leading a study with colleagues from the Institute of Mental Health Sciences, Northern Health and Social Care Trust and Queen’s University Belfast which will explore Public Understanding of Coercive Control in Northern Ireland.
Erin Davidson
Faculty Equality Co-ordinator
Medicine, Health and Life Sciences