The Annual Dame Ingrid Allen Lecture 2024/25
The School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences would like to invite you to The Dame Ingrid Allen Lecture 2024-25.
Title: Tribes and Tribulations - Navigating Gender Inequity
Guest Speaker - Professor Gabrielle Finn (University of Manchester)
Date: Thursday 20 February 2025
Time: 10.00 - 11.30 am (Networking & refreshments at 10.00 am, Lecture at 10.30 am)
Venue: The Great Hall, Lanyon Building
About the Speaker:
Professor Gabrielle Finn is Associate Vice President (AVP) for Teaching, Learning, and Students. She is also Professor of Medical Education in the School of Medical Sciences. Gabrielle’s AVP portfolio focuses on: (1) assessment and feedback, (2) student voice, and (3) access, participation, and success.
She leads the University’s Assessment for the Future (AFF) strategic group. Outside of the University, Gabrielle is Director of Events for the Association for the Study of Medical Education, and Associate Editor for Perspectives in Medical Education and Anatomical Sciences Education. She is a National Teaching Fellow and Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AdvanceHE).
Gabrielle is also an active medical education researcher, with several PhD students. Her research interests include gender discrimination, feminist theory, assessment and feedback, differential attainment, professionalism, and innovative pedagogy. Her research funding is related to Fitness to Practise and regulation within health professions. She has authored a number of books, as well as over 150 research papers.
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