Queen's University Belfast has been awarded a prestigious Green Flag Award in the 2019 Green Flag Awards – becoming the first university in Northern Ireland to be recognised by the scheme.

Queen's PRISM LGBT+ Staff Network has unveiled new Queen's Pride t-shirts, which will be presented to University staff joining in the Belfast Pride Parade.

Summer Graduation 2019 took place from Thursday 27 June to Wednesday 3 July and saw over 4,500 students graduate with a degree from Queen's University Belfast.

The team behind Queen's University Belfast's Staff Wellbeing initiative have won the award for Excellence in an Outstanding Employee-Led Initiative at the Inspire Workplace Wellbeing Awards.

Professor Mauro Paternostro from the School of Mathematics and Physics has been announced as a recipient of the Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship 2018 Round Three.

In May 2019 the School of Psychology was awarded Silver accreditation by Investors in People.

Queen's University Belfast's position in the world university rankings has risen from 180 to 173 in the 2020 assessment by QS World University Rankings, released on Wednesday 19 June.

Organised by the Centre for Educational Development, the Queen's Teaching Awards Scheme recognises and rewards the development of learning and teaching practice that has led to particularly effective teaching.

The official launch of Queen's University Belfast's first Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic ('BAME') and International Staff Network, known as 'iRise', took place on Wednesday 12 June.

The official launch of Queen's University Belfast's first Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic ('BAME') and International Staff Network, known as 'iRise', took place on Wednesday 12 June.

Queen's University celebrated its ninth annual Green Awards on Tuesday 4 June with a reception in Riddel Hall.

The Directorate of Academic and Student Affairs has been awarded accreditation against the Investors in People Standard, demonstrating the Directorate's commitment to realising the potential of its people.

Queen's University celebrated its ninth annual Green Awards on Tuesday 4 June with a reception in Riddel Hall.

Queen's University Belfast have won the award for Equality and Diversity at the Universities Human Resources (UHR) Awards 2019 in Manchester.

Four professors from Queen's University Belfast have been elected as members of the Royal Irish Academy (RIA) in recognition of their exceptional academic achievements.

An academic delegation from Queen's University recently visited Nashville, one of Belfast's sister cities.

Queen's University Belfast cyber security expert, Professor Máire O'Neill, has been appointed to the UK's Artificial Intelligence (AI) Council.

A research team from Queen's University has today been recognised for their exceptional contribution to keeping the nation healthy.

Staff and students enjoyed a Purple Picnic in the Great Hall and quadrangle on Wednesday 15 May, as part of the programme for Mental Health Awareness Week at Queen's.

Queen's KTP team are celebrating two recent accomplishments with their latest national award and a milestone in their portfolio.

Queen's University Belfast will this year partner with Action Mental Health to host Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 (Monday 13 May – Friday 17 May 2019), holding a range of events and talks for staff and students.

The winners of the Students' Union Education Awards 2019 were announced at an awards ceremony in the Great Hall on Friday 3 May.

Dr Gemma Catney, a Lecturer in the School of Natural and Built Environment, is the 2019 recipient of the Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) Gill Memorial Award.

Professor Andrew Mills has been named winner of the prestigious Materials for Industry-Derek Birchall Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Queen's University Belfast is pleased to announce the appointment of Nathalie Trott (Walker) as Director of Development and Alumni Relations.

Dr Peter O'Halloran, Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery, was recently awarded the 'Reviewer Excellence Award 2018' from the International Journal of Nursing Studies (IJNS), the top ranked journal for nursing research.

Queen's Annual Learning and Teaching Conference took place on Wednesday 17 April 2019.

Joanne Clague took up the post of Registrar and Chief Operating Officer at Queen's University on Monday 15 April 2019.

Queen's University Belfast is among 10 companies shortlisted for a Wellbeing at Work Award as part of the Responsible Business Awards in Northern Ireland.

Queen’s University’s LGBT+ Staff Network, ‘PRISM’, has been named ‘Best LGBT Initiative’ at the 2019 Legal Island Northern Ireland Equality and Diversity Awards.
Queen's University's LGBT+ Staff Network, 'PRISM', has been named 'Best LGBT Initiative' at the 2019 Northern Ireland Equality and Diversity Awards.

The 2019 Staff Survey launched on Friday 29 March 2019 and will be live for three weeks until Thursday 18 April.

Two academics from Queen’s University Belfast have recently been named 2019 Island of Ireland Fellows by Eisenhower Fellowships.

Staff and students of the Queen’s University Ionic Liquid Laboratories (QUILL) celebrated the Centre's 20th anniversary this week.

A new Framework launched by People and Culture this week will ensure that our leaders at all levels are informed and equipped to lead with confidence.

Staff in the Development and Alumni Relations Office (DARO) are today celebrating the unit’s 20th anniversary.

Dr Sparky Booker, a lecturer in the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, has received two awards from the American Conference for Irish Studies (ACIS) for her book 'Cultural Exchange and Identity in Late Medieval Ireland'.

Professor Brendan Gilmore has been announced as the Director of the Centre for Plasma in Agri-Food (AgriPlas), which has been established within the Institute for Global Food Security at Queen's.

An IGFS researcher who investigates the link between nutrition and cancer has received a prestigious award from a leading cancer charity.

Queen's Gender Initiative brought female staff together for a networking lunch on Wednesday 6 March to celebrate International Women's Day 2019.

Colleagues from the People and Culture Directorate and the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work have won the latest Big Switch Off competition at Queen's.

A joint collaboration between Queen's University Belfast and the Ulster University, the Science Shop, which supports hundreds of community groups across Northern Ireland, today (Wednesday 20 February) celebrates its 30th anniversary.

Four Queen's University Belfast academics have been named among the UK's most influential researchers who study diabetes complications.

Queen's celebrated the Year of the Pig with a series of cultural events and talks hosted by the Language Centre between 1 – 15 February, with Chinese New Year's Day commencing on Tuesday 5 February 2019.

Professor Danny McAuley has been appointed as the new Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme Director at the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).

Queen’s University Belfast astrophysics expert, Professor Stephen Smartt, has been awarded a Gold Medal by the Royal Irish Academy.

Queen's University Belfast has been awarded more than £1m to support academics using social science-based research to tackle major societal challenges across the world over the next four years.

Two academics from Queen's School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics recently visited the University of Virginia in Charlottesville to explore contested uses of the past.

Queen's Students' Union has launched an ambitious new campaign to tackle mental health issues facing students.

Winners in the Staff Excellence Awards 2018 were announced at a gala ceremony on Friday 1 February in the Whitla Hall, hosted by comedian and actor Tim McGarry.

Congratulations to all the winners in the Staff Excellence Awards 2018. The winners were announced at a gala ceremony on Friday 1 February in the Whitla Hall, hosted by comedian and actor Tim McGarry.

Dr Lezley-Anne Hanna, a Senior Lecturer (Education) from the School of Pharmacy, has just been awarded Principal Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA, now part of Advance HE).

Queen's University Belfast has received a Women in Business Gender Diversity Charter Mark Bronze Award.

Queen's University Belfast is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Emma Flynn as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Enterprise.

The Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) has been shortlisted for Research Laboratory Team of the Year in the Irish Laboratory Awards 2019.

A research project in Queen's Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine has been recognised by the European Commission as a 'success project', the only EU-funded project in the Faculty of MHLS to have recently received this recognition.

Queen's University Belfast has recently been judged by an independent panel to be the 'Top Overall Online Brand' among 100 top ranked universities in the world.

Queen's University Belfast's Human Resources Directorate has been renamed the People and Culture Directorate.

Queen's University Belfast has been shortlisted in three categories in the 2019 Legal Island Northern Ireland Equality and Diversity Gala & Awards 2019.

Dr Sinead O'Sullivan, Senior Lecturer, from the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen's has been awarded a prestigious Leadership Fellowship by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

Queen's University Belfast hosted its first Technician Commitment Event on Wednesday 9 January 2019, celebrating the unique expertise and contribution of its 240 technicians.

Queen's University Belfast cybersecurity expert Professor Máire O'Neill has been awarded US$30,000 in the second annual Blavatnik Awards in the UK, which honour outstanding young scientists under the age of 42.

Queen’s University Belfast is pleased to announce the appointment of Joanne Clague as the next Registrar and Chief Operating Officer at the University.

The New Year's Honours list 2019, published on Saturday 29 December, recognised the achievements of five members of staff at Queen's.

Dr Deborah Mack, Associate Director of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture, spoke to a packed lecture theatre in the Ulster Museum on Thursday 13 December when she delivered the annual Keith Jeffery Lecture.

The winners of the Vice-Chancellor's research Prizes 2018 were announced on Monday 10 December 2018 at an awards lunch hosted by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ian Greer.

The winners of the Vice-Chancellor's Research Prizes 2018 were announced on Monday 10 December at an awards lunch hosted by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ian Greer.

Queen's University recently hosted 'Human Rights Futures: The Agenda for the next 50 years', to mark the 50th anniversary of the civil rights movement in Northern Ireland.

Queen's has achieved Platinum status – the highest scoring level – in this year's Northern Ireland Environmental Benchmarking Survey.

Modern language researchers at some of the UK's leading Universities are calling for the appointment of a 'Chief Government Linguist' to champion the importance and relevance of languages to policy-making.

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Global Health Research Group on Early Childhood Development (ECD) for Peacebuilding network to meet at the Early Childhood Peace Consortium at Yale University on Thursday 29 November.

Professor Carmel Hughes, from Queen's School of Pharmacy, has been appointed as a Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (PSNI).

The shortlist for the Vice-Chancellor's Research Prizes 2018 has been announced, with 12 world-class researchers and three research groups named for the positive impact of their work.

Queen’s is celebrating international recognition, as the first organisation to achieve GOLD standard in Cycling UK’s Cycle Friendly Employer accreditation, which rewards companies in the UK who make their workplaces awe-inspiring through cycling.

The official launch of the University's LGBT+ Staff Network, PRISM, took place on Tuesday 13 November in the Naughton Gallery and was attended by the Vice-Chancellor, senior leaders and staff from across the University.

The official launch of the University's LGBT+ Staff Network, PRISM, took place on Tuesday 13 November in the Naughton Gallery and was attended by the Vice-Chancellor, senior leaders and staff from across the University.

The world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, ACM (the Association for Computing Machinery), has named Professor Dimitrios Nikolopoulos among 49 Distinguished Members recognised for outstanding contributions to the field.

In a British Medical Journal cover story, Professor David Thompson from Queen's School of Nursing and Midwifery has appealed for the end of the Doctor – Nurse Game.

Renee (Sarah) Starbuck, a long-serving employee of the University, recently won 'Cleaning Operative of the Year' in the Education category at the regional awards of The British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc), held in Belfast City Hall.

Queen's School of Law has achieved Bronze in the latest round of Athena SWAN awards, adding to a growing number of these awards across the University.

As we mark John Bell Day on Monday 5 October, staff, students and the Northern Ireland public are asked to vote for famous Belfast quantum physicist John Stewart Bell to feature on the Bank of England's new £50 note.

Professor Jannette Elwood – Dean of Graduate Studies (AHSS) and Professor of Education in the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work – has been elected the next President of the Association of Educational Assessment (AEA) – Europe.

Three Queen's staff were recently honoured by Visit Belfast for their work in bringing major international events, worth millions to the local economy, to Belfast in the coming years.

Queen's has launched a new Diversity e-Learning resource for staff, called 'Think Difference, Act Differently'.

A collaboration involving researchers in the School of Nursing and Midwifery to improve the sexual health of men in NI's prisons has been recognised at the South Eastern Trust Chairman Awards and 2018 CIPR Northern Ireland PRide Awards.

Queen's has appointed Belfast-based contemporary music group Hard Rain SoloistEnsemble as its new Ensemble in Residence for 2018/19.

Dr Zafer Kazancι, from the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, has been awarded an Industrial Fellowship by the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Researchers from Queen's and the University of Leeds, as part of a pan-European partnership called the European Cancer Concord (ECC)®, have won the prestigious 2018 European Health Award.

Dr Lezley-Anne Hanna from the School of Pharmacy and Professor Gerry Gormley from the School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences have each been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2018.

Professor Stuart Elborn has been appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences and Professor of Medicine.

Professor David Jones, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education and Students, has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Alan Jones – architect, Senior Lecturer in the School of Natural and Built Environment at Queen's, and currently the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Vice President for Education – has been elected the next RIBA President.

Paul Malone, from Queen's Accommodation team, was recently wed in Northern Ireland's first legally recognised humanist marriage.

The Seamus Heaney Centre's Professor Glenn Patterson and Colin Carberry (Finance Directorate) bring their stage musical adaptation of popular biopic 'Good Vibrations' to the Lyric Theatre on Saturday 1 September for its world premiere.

Professor Chris Marsh, from the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics, has been elected to the Royal Historical Society (RHS) Council.

Dr Leila Moura, from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, has been awarded a prestigious research fellowship by the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Aislinn Clarke, lecturer in scriptwriting at the Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry, launched her debut feature film 'The Devil's Doorway' on Friday 13 July in the USA.

The British Shakespeare Association Conference took place at Queen's from 14–17 June 2018.

Ten individuals and teams from across the University have received Queen's University Teaching Awards in 2018 in recognition of their excellence in teaching and learning.

An academic from Queen's has been awarded a UK-US Fulbright Visiting Scholarship to the US to explore the role of Irish-America and the US government in both the Northern Ireland conflict and peace process.

An academic from Queen's has been awarded the first UK Fulbright Scholarship award in the discipline of Social Work for over 50 years.

This year's Wiles Lecture Series, organised by the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics (HAPP), took place from Wednesday 16 – Saturday 19 May.

Two members of Queen's staff have been honoured in this year's Queen's Birthday Honours List.

Queen's Making Insulin Treatment Safer (MITS) Team has won The Royal College of Physicians 2018 Education Award for Excellence in Patient Care.

Academics from Queen's are part of a team of leading historians from around the world who have contributed to one of the most comprehensive and authoritative compilations of the history of Ireland.

Professor Duncan Burns, currently based in the Institute for Global Food Security, has received the prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Anne Bennett Memorial Award for Distinguished Service.

Professor Keith Lilley, from the School of Natural and Built Environment, has been announced as the recipient of the Royal Geographical Society's (RGS) Cuthbert Peek Award.

The Global Health Symposium 2018 will take place over the 26–27 April, at Riddel Hall.

On Friday 23 March 2018, the winners of the Northern Ireland Equality and Diversity Awards were announced at Titanic Belfast and it was a night of celebration for the University which collected two awards for its work in this field.

Professor Bob Elwood has won a major award for his pioneering research into the question of whether crustaceans can and do feel pain, and the impact of that research.

The University has won two prestigious DANI (Digital Advertising Northern Ireland) Awards for 'Best Digital Advertising Campaign' and 'Best Campaign in Education' for the Clearing Campaign 2017.

Queen's poet Dr Leontia Flynn has been awarded the Irish Times Poetry Now Award.

Queen's will play host to the European Social Science History Conference from Wednesday 4 – Saturday 7 April 2018.

Dr Myra Lydon, from Queen's School of Natural and Built Environment has been awarded a prestigious Research Fellowship from the Royal Academy of Engineering.

A Queen's postdoctoral researcher has been awarded a Charlemont Grant by the Royal Irish Academy (RIA).

A team of researchers from Queen's Centre for Children's Rights have produced a child-friendly version of a report entitled 'Children's Rights and the Environment' for the United Nations (UN).

A collaborative research partnership involving Queen's has won the Asthma / COPD Project of the Year at the 19th Northern Ireland Healthcare Awards.

Professor Piers Hellawell, from the School or Arts, English and Languages, is one of eleven UK composers to win the 2018 Composers' Fund awards made by the PRS Foundation for Music in London.

Videos on the work of two Queen’s researchers have been selected as Gold and Silver Prize winners of the 2018 Mobile World Scholar Challenge.

Queen's staff and alumni were involved in a number of events to mark the centenary of the enfranchisement of women in Britain and Ireland in 1918.

The new year brought good news for the University, which has been shortlisted for a number of national diversity awards.