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Content and Media Review

  • Where should I store website assets?

    Use SharePoint to Manage Files
    Store and organise all materials for website content (e.g., news, events, photos, documents) on your area's SharePoint site for easy access and management.

    Avoid Using the Web CMS as a Repository
    Do not use the Web CMS for storing important assets. Instead, use SharePoint to maintain, manage, retain, and archive business-related materials.

    What to Store in the Web CMS
    Only the final versions of assets should be stored in the Web CMS. Ensure that all content adheres to the provided guidelines before uploading.


    • Source responsibly and comply with copyright laws
    • Prepare according to our guidance
    • Resize and optimize
    • Use correct filenames (File names need to be correct BEFORE uploading to the Web CMS)
    • Follow accessibility guidelines


    Note: Non-compliant media will be removed from the Web CMS until corrected.

  • How often should I review a website?

    We strongly recommend that website owners/editors establish a practice of frequently reviewing the website(s), section(s), and media for which they are responsible within the Web CMS. This review process should be conducted at least quarterly each year the website is live.


  • How should I review Pending Sections?

    Pending sections will not be published live as part of your website. They may include outdated information, work that was started but never completed, or old content.

    General Advice
    If a section and its content are no longer needed, delete them from the system.

    Review Checklist:

    • Preview the Section: Click 'Preview' to view the content in your browser and quickly determine if the content is outdated.
    • Last Modified Date: If the content hasn't been updated in the last six months and there's no plan for future use, it’s likely unnecessary.
    • Content History: View the 'History' tab for content creation and modification details. If the creator no longer works on the website, the content is probably redundant.
    • Obtain Permission: If unsure about deleting content, consult the website owner for a decision.
    • Archive: For content related to core events or institutional memory, ensure it's centrally stored (e.g., SharePoint/Intranet). If you have any queries relating to content marked as archive, please log a support request via the IT Service Desk.
  • How should I review Archived sections?

    Reviewing Archived sections follows the same steps as reviewing pending sections. Archived sections have a different icon in your Site Structure to set them apart from standard folders. Refer to the Terminal Four documentation to understand section icons.

    General Advice
    If an archived section is over a year old, it is typically no longer needed and can be deleted along with associated media. 

    Review Process:

    • Preview: Check the section to determine its age and relevance.
    • Permission: Obtain permission if unsure about deletion.
    • Contact Support: For further advice, log a support request via the IT Service Desk.
  • How should I review Approved sections?

    Importance of Content Review
    Content on your website shapes audience perception of your area and the University. It is therefore very important that new and existing content is given careful consideration, and frequently reviewed to help ensure accuracy and relevance.

    Approved sections will publish live if they contain at least one approved piece of content. However, not all approved sections need to remain live.

    Review Recommendations
    We recommend that you review your live website and Site Structure in parallel and consider the following:

    If you require any advice or have questions relating to the restructuring or removal of approved content please log a support request via the IT Service Desk.


  • How do I request a content report for my website?

    We can provide website owners / editors with content reports in Microsoft Excel format for the website(s) and section(s) they are responsible for. The report will contain the following information:

    • Section pathway
    • Content name
    • Content type used
    • Last modified date
    • Content Status

    A content report can be requested via the IT Service Desk. When submitting a ticket requesting a content report, please add 'Web CMS - Content Report Request' to the Summary field. Then in the description field, either provide the full live URL of your website, or the pathway within the Web CMS.

    Request a content report for your website(s) or section(s) via the IT Service Desk.

  • What is the recommended process for reviewing media?

    Post-Content Review
    After reviewing website content, the next step is to review the media stored in your Site Structure and Media Library. Documents and media should be Included in your quarterly website review.

    File Store(s)

    • Most websites have a 'File Store' section for uploading and storing documents.
    • Users can link to these documents for visitors to download and view offline.
    • It is important to review and delete old files from the File Store when they are no longer needed, especially if the content linking to them has been deleted.
    • Website owners/editors can often overlook that documents in the File Store need deleted if not in use which will mean they continue to publish to the live website.
    • Read our guidance on reviewing File Stores.

    Media Library

    • Every website or core section has a folder in the Media Library for managing media.
    • Website owners/editors should regularly review and remove unnecessary documents and imagery from the Media Library.
    • Read our guidance on reviewing folders in the Media Library.
  • How do I request a media report for my website?

    We can provide website owners / editors with media reports in Microsoft Excel format for folders in the Media Library associated with website(s) and section(s) they are responsible for. The report will contain the following information:

    • Media ID number
    • Media name
    • Media category
    • Media type
    • Usage information
    • Content usage name

    A content report can be requested via the IT Service Desk. When submitting a ticket requesting a media report, please add 'Web CMS - Media Report Request' to the Summary field. Then in the description field, either provide the full live URL of your website, or the pathway within the Web CMS.

    Request a media report for your website(s) or section(s) via the IT Service Desk.


  • How should I review a File Store?

    File Store vs. Media Library
    Whilst a File Store can be set up for storing documents, we recommend storing website-related media, including documents, in the Media Library.

    General Advice
    If a document in the File Store is over a year old, not currently used in any content, and there is no plan to use it going forward, then it should be deleted. If any documents need to be retained, then please follow our guidance on storing website assets.

    Request a Content Report

    • Request a content report for the File Store or the entire website, including the File Store.
    • Use the report, sorted by 'last modified' date, to identify and delete unnecessary content in the system.
    • You can request a content report by following this guidance.

    Review and Delete File Store Content

    Please Note
    If you require a copy of a file before deleting from the File Store, you can open each content item and click on the 'Download' button. At present there is no option to bulk download files from the File Store.

    • Visual Review
      • Website owners/editors can visually review File Store content and make a decision as to whether the document is required based on the file name and modification dates.
      • Expand the site hierarchy, navigate to the 'File Store' section. Note: The File Store section may be named slightly differently i.e. 'Filestore', 'filestore', 'File Store'.
      • Begin reviewing the content in the File Store section.
    • Individual File Deletion
    • Bulk File Deletion
      • In the Section Content tab, select each checkbox for each content item you want to delete, click on the 'Bulk Actions' menu in the section menu and select the 'Bulk delete' option.
      • Or, if you want to delete all files in view, select the first checkbox in the checkbox column, click on the 'Bulk Actions' menu in the section menu and select the 'Bulk delete' option.
      • View this guide for bulk deleting content items from the File Store.

    If you have any queries or require any assistance with any of the above, please log a support request via the IT Service Desk.

  • How should I review folders in the Media Library?

    Every website or core website section will have a corresponding folder within the Media Library. It is the website owners / editors responsibility to review and maintain the media content items in these folders on a quarterly basis.

    As a first step, it is recommended that website owners / editors identify and review media content items that are more than a year old as part of a review. This information can be obtained via a Media Report and / or with a visual review.

    Request a Media Report

    Visual Review
    Website owners / editors can perform a visual review of the media contained in the Media Library folders associated with your website(s). They can check the 'Last modified' column to determine the age of media files.

    General Advice
    If a Media Library file is over a year old, not currently used in any content, and there is no plan to use that media, then it should be deleted. If media files need to be retained, then please download them and follow our guidance for storing website assets.

    A Few Notes to Consider

    • We would advise that you do not delete the media library folder containing the content items and instead work your way through reviewing the media within those folders. This is because some of the media may be in use as outlined as part of the review steps below.
    • There is no option to bulk download files from the Media Library.

    Accessing the Media Library

    • Go to the 'Media Library' via the Content Section of the Main Menu.
    • Review the media content items in all top-level and sub-folders.
    • You can use a Media Report to prioritize files/folders for review.

    Organise Content Items for Review
    In each Media Library folder, you can click on the 'Last modified' column and this will re-organise media assets in the folder to either ascending order (oldest to newest) or descending order (newest to oldest).

    Downloading Content Items
    If you require a copy of a media content item before deleting from the Media Library, you can do this by clicking on the 'Actions' menu beside each media content item and clicking on the 'Download' option. 

    Deleting Content Items
    Following the review of a media library folder, if you do not require some or all of the assets contained in the folder, they should be deleted. There are a few options for deleting content items from the Media Library.

    • Individual Deletion
      • Within each Media Library folder, every content item has an 'Actions' menu associated with it. Click on the 'Actions' menu and then the 'Delete' option.
      • To confirm deletion, a modal dialogue box will load, click on the 'Delete' option.
      • The status of the content item will update and change from approved to 'Inactive'.
      • You can view this guide for deleting individual Media Content Items.
    • Bulk Deletion
      • Within each Media Library folder, select each checkbox for each content item you want to delete, click on the 'Bulk Actions' menu in the Media Library menu and select the 'Delete' option.
      • Or, if you want to delete all files in view, select the first checkbox in the checkbox column, click on the 'Bulk Actions' menu and select the 'Delete' option.
      • To confirm deletion, a modal dialogue box will load, click on the 'Delete' option.
      • You can view this guide for bulk deleting Media Content Items.
    • Content Item is in Use
      • If one or multiple files you have selected to delete are currently in use, a modal dialogue box will appear and provide information about the content the file is currently used in.
      • If the content is old, no longer publishing, or the file is not accurate, it should be deleted.
      • You can view this guide for Media Content Items that are in use

    If you have any queries or require any assistance with any of the above, please log a support request via the IT Service Desk.