Yo Tomita: List of Papers
Conference Papers
- July 2012: Fifteenth Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music, Southampton (11-15 July 2012): "Veiled aspects of Bach Reception in the 19th century exposed through a macro-level examination of prints"
- November 2011: 日本音楽学会第62回全国大会 Tokyo (5-6 November 2011): 『19世紀の出版譜から見るバッハ受容の諸様相』
- August 2011: Fifth Johann Sebastian Bach Dialogue Meeting at Loretto and Edinburgh (12-14 August 2011): "The Implications of Bach's Introduction of New Fugal Techniques and Procedures in the Well-Tempered Clavier Book Two."
- July 2011: The 1st International Conference on Historical Keyboard Music, University of Edinburgh (1-3 July 2011): "Deciphering J. S. Bach's Performance Hints in his autograph manuscripts"
- July 2010: Fourteenth Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music held at Queen's University Belfast (30 June-4 July 2010): "The Well-Tempered Clavier in Pre-Classical Vienna: A New Source and Its Implication"
- Octobe 2009:
‘Poets, Mothers, and Performers: Considering Women’s Impact on the
Music of Johann Sebastian Bach’, Yale Institute of Sacred Music: ‘Anna
Magdalena as Bach’s Copyist’
- October 2008: 日本音楽学会第59回全国大会 Tokyo (25-26 October 2008): 『バッハ没後50年間における《無伴奏ヴァイオリンのためのソナタとパルティータ》の伝承と受容に関して』
- July 2008:
Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music, Leeds (3-6 July 2008):
"Reading soul from manuscripts: some observations on performance issues in J.
S. Bach's habits of writing his music"
- January 2008:
3rd Dialogue Meeting
of Bach Network UK, Oxford (5-6 January 2008): "Anna Magdalena as Bach's
- July 2006:
Twelfth Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music, Warsaw (26-30 July 2006): "Reconstructing Bach’s conjugal conversation. Re-assessing
the contribution and the musicological value of the work of Anna Magdalena
- June 2006: 'Editing the Eighteenth Century', CECS
workshop, Queen's University Belfast (11 June 2006): "Editing Bach's
Well-Tempered Clavier, Part 2"
- May 2006:
Biennial Meeting of the American Bach Society, Leipzig (10-13 May 2006) "Most
ingenious, most learned, and yet practicable work’: The English reception of
Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier in the first half of the nineteenth century
seen through the editions published in London"
April 2006: 'Which Bach?' Symposium, Charles Darwin
University (21-22 April 2006): "Bach Research in the 21st Century"
- October 2005: 56th Annual Conference of the Musicological Society of Japan, Tokyo: "Bach Research in the 21st Century"
- July 2005:
Fifth Biennial International Conference on Music in Nineteenth-Century Britain,
Nottingham (7-10 July 2005): "The Bach reception in the first half of
the nineteenth-century England seen through the manuscript and printed
sources of the Well-Tempered Clavier"
- July 2004:
Eleventh Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music
(14-18 July 2004): "Re-examining the role of Kirnberger in the
compilation and dissemination of Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier II "
- May 2004:
Second annual conference of Society for Musicology in Ireland
(Queen's University Belfast, 7 and 8 May 2004): "Recently discovered
sources of Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier and their implication"
- December 2003:
One day conference on the Life and Music of Samuel and Samuel Sebastian Wesley
(Nottingham University, 15 December 2003): " Samuel Wesley as editor of JS Bach "
- July 2003:
IAML Annual Conference Tallinn, Estonia ( July 6-11, 2003 ): "The online Bach Bibliography: a resource maintained by the global network of scholars" (
- May 2003:
First annual conference of Society for Musicology in Ireland
( 2-3 May 200 3 ): "Struggle for correctness: Samuel Wesley as an editor of Bach's keyboard works"
- November 2002:
International Congress of the Musicological Society of Japan. (Shizuoka, Japan, 2-5 November 2002): " Breaking the limits: some consideration on an e-Science approach to source studies"
- October 2002 :
情報処理学会第47回研究会 [SIGMUS47] (北陸先端科学技術大学院大学、25-26 October 2002): 『限界への挑戦:作品資料研究へのe-Science導入にあたって』 (論文はこちらを
- August 2002:
International Musicological Conference (1-7 August 2002): "Managing a
large text-critical database of J. S. Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier II
with XML and relational database" by Yo Tomita and Tsutomu Fujinami
- July 2002:
Tenth Biennial Conference on Baroque Music
(17-21 July 2002): "The Bach competition of 1801: the battle against
time and correctness as seen in the first complete editions of the
Well-Tempered Clavier"
- May 2002:
Royal Musical Association Conference, Irish Chapter (University College
Dublin, 3-4 May 2002): "Samuel Wesley as analyst of Bach's fugues"
- March 2002:
The Annual Meeting of the Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer theologische Bachforschung in Eisenach
(14-17 March 2002): "The translation of twenty-four most recent musical
thoughts ? : a new hypothesis on the origin of the preludes in the
second book of the Well-Tempered Clavier"
- January 2002
: 4. Internationales Dortmunder Bach-Symposion (30 January-2
February 2002): "Struggle for correctness: Samuel Wesley as an
editor of Bach's keyboard works"
- September 2000:
International Bach Symposium Utrecht 2000
(Universiteit Utrecht, Netherlands): "Setting up Research Resources for
the future: On-line Bach Bibliography Project and International
- July 2000:
Biennial Conference on Baroque Music
(Trinity College Dublin): "Bach's "Credo" in England: an early history and reception"
- May 2000:
Royal Musical Association Conference, Irish Chapter (Queen's University
Belfast): "Mozart's thoughts and editorial principles behind KV 405"
- January 2000:
Bach Conference in Leipzig: "Hitherto unknown Bach canons? Some
findings from the recent research into the dawn of the Bach movement in
- November 1999: Japanese Musicological Society, Annual Meeting "
Bach and Dresden
- May 1999:
Royal Musical Association Conference, Irish Chapter (Waterford
Institute of Technology): "Transmission of Bach's WTC in England during
the second half of the eighteenth century"
- July 1998: Biennial Conference on Baroque Music (Exeter University): "Hitherto unknown musical transcription of Psalms in Bach's
Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II? The old question revisited." (Paper is uploaded
- May 1998:
Royal Musical Association Conference, Irish Chapter (University of
Ulster at Jordanstown): "Some considerations on current methods of
studying Bach's autograph manuscripts with particular reference to
isolating his revisions through the analysis of ink: An interim report"
- May 1997:
Weekend Conference on "J. S. Bach and Rhythmic Inequality" (Birmingham
Conservatoire) "Reading inspiration from autograph manuscripts".
- February 1997:
日本音楽学会関東支部例会(国立音楽大学):『1780年代ウィーンと《平均律クラヴィーア曲集》第二巻』 (論文はこちらを
- November 1996:
Royal Musical Association, Study Day (King's College, London): "Assessing a text-critical database using Artificial Intelligence techniques" (Paper is uploaded
- May 1996: Royal Musical Association Conference, Irish Chapter (Queen's University of Belfast): "J. S. Bach's
Well-Tempered Clavier
II in Vienna, 1777-1801: A Unique Reception History"
- April 1996:
British Musicology Conference (King's College, London): "A new light
shed on the origin of Mozart's KV 404a and 405 through the recent
source study of J. S. Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier II" (Paper is uploaded
- December 1994: Royal Musical Association Students Conference (Manchester University): "The History of J. S. Bach's Autograph of
Well-Tempered Clavier
II reflected in its Layers of Revisions"
- June 1993:
A Symposium for "Teaching and Performing Early Organ Music" (Leeds
University): "Bach's revision process and its implications for
- December 1989: TAGS day (King's College, London): A Unique Analytical Insight into J. S. Bach ' s
Prelude in F# Minor (BWV 883,1)"
- December 1995 : NIDevR Day, University of Ulster, Coleraine Campus: "Source Study on J. S. Bach's
Well-Tempered Clavier
II using Artificial Intelligence Techniques"
Research Seminars & Guest Lectures
- 4 November 2011: Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo: 『《ロ短調ミサ曲》とバッハ研究: 作品の伝承と楽譜編集史からみる研究上の諸問題』
- 1 April 2011: NUI Maynooth, Ireland: "Reading soul from manuscripts:
some observations on performance issues in J. S. Bach's habits of
writing his music."
- 13 July 2010: Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo: 『《ゴルトベルク変奏曲》の成立をめぐって: 現代におけるピアニストへの一提言』
- 1 October 2009: University College Dublin: "Reading soul from manuscripts:
some observations on performance issues in J. S. Bach's habits of
writing his music."
- 14 July 2009: Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo: 『オリジナル資料から学ぶバッハの《パルティータ》 第2番と第6番』
- 20 April 2009: St
Petersburg State Conservatory: "Reading soul from manuscripts:
some observations on performance issues in J. S. Bach's habits of
writing his music."
- 17 April 2009:
St Petersburg State Conservatory: "Learning to play Bach’s
Well-Tempered Clavier from the autograph manuscript: A Lecture for
Advanced Performers"
- 28 October 2008: 国立音楽大学(東京): 『バッハの自筆譜から我々は何を学べるか − 演奏者と研究者の永遠の課題』
- 5 December 2007: University of Warsaw: "Mozart’s
Bach Awakening and its Background"
27 April 2006: Sydney Conservatory of Music: "Bach
Research in the 21st Century" and "Anna Magdalena Bach's contributions to
Bach's Works"
26 April 2006: Wesley Music Centre, Canberra:
"Reconstructing Composer's Workshop: Bach and his Well-Tempered Clavier 2"
24 April 2006: University of New South Wales, Sydney:
"Reconstructing Composer's Workshop: Bach and his Well-Tempered Clavier 2"
22 April 2006: Charles Darwin University:
"Reconstructing Composer's Workshop: Bach and his Well-Tempered Clavier 2"
and "Bach and Dresden: A New Hypothesis on the Origin of the Goldberg
Variations (BWV 988)"
13 April 2006: University of Melbourne:
"Reconstructing Composer's Workshop: Bach and his Well-Tempered Clavier 2"
2 November 2005: DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama,
Dublin: "Playing Bach on a Modern Piano: approaching an
'authentic' interpretation"
29 November 2002: University of Utrecht: "Breaking the limits: some consideration on an e-Science approach to source studies"
3 October 2002: University of Pittsburgh: "Samuel Wesley as analyst of Bach's fugues"
27 September 2002: Baldwin-Wallace College, Ohio: "Playing Bach on the modern piano: approaching an
'authentic' interpretation"
- 12 September 2002: Julliard School, New York: "Playing Bach on the modern piano: approaching an
'authentic' interpretation"
- 12 November 1999: JAIST Hokuriku, Japan: "Can the AI technology resolve various problems currently facing Bach source studies?"
- 2 December 1998: Queen's University of Belfast: "Mozart's Bach experience of 1782", jointly given with
- March 1996:
Birmingham Conservatoire: "J. S. Bach's desire to more effective
performance seen in his revision process of Well-Tempered Clavier II"
Last updated: 30 July 2012