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PPRC partners in “Future Island-Island” project

Ocean waves

PPRC is excited to be a partner in “Future Island-Island”, a £4.625m Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded project led by Professor Justin Magee at Ulster University

One four new ‘Green Transition Ecosystems’ across the UK, ‘Future Island-Island’ aims to bolster awareness and improve engagement with the public towards an intuitive, eco-friendly waste management culture. 

The project will use co-design, applied design, knowledge exchange and worldbuilding using 3D immersive technology, to shape new design-led green economies over a 24-month period focusing on six challenge-based objectives: 

  • Protect rivers, loughs, and seacoast from plastic littering;
  • Rethink product and plastics waste management by upcycling, recycling and reuse;
  • Rethink organic waste for textiles and composite fibre applications;
  • Redesign more sustainable food, water and landscape solutions;
  • Improve municipal waste management systems and performance;
  • Protect Northern Ireland’s only offshore inhabited island, Rathlin, from any negative impacts of tourism and sustainably manage island resources, while boosting innovation through a digital design transformation. 

For further information, visit University of Ulster News Page.
