Professor Raymond Murphy – Director of PPRC 1999 to 2004 (Died 3rd October 2022)

Raymond Murphy graduated from Queen's University Belfast with a BSc (1st class honours) in Applied Science and Technology in 1962 and was employed as Works Chemist and Plant Manager in Richardsons Fertilisers Ltd before becoming a Lecturer in Chemical Technology, in The Belfast College of Technology in 1966. He joined QUB in 1971 and made immense contributions to the Institution and the engineering profession.
He served as Assistant Dean in the Faculty of Engineering and was a member of many Boards, various ad hoc committees and working parties. He served as a committee member and past Chairman of the Institute of Chemical Engineers, The Institute of Energy, The Northern Ireland Science and Technology Regional Organisation and The National Council for Educational Awards in the Republic of Ireland.
Raymond’s primary research interests lay in polymers which led him to found the Polymer Processing Research Centre (PPRC) along with Co-Director, the late Professor Roy Crawford in 1996 before becoming PPRC Director in 1999.
The Centre was built upon his work with industry. His vision was to equip students and academic researchers with the knowledge and skills required by industry and to position the University as an international Centre of Excellence for polymer processing.
Raymond maintained contact with his former colleagues in the PPRC beyond his retirement in 2004 and he always retained an interest and pride in the achievements of the many people who have passed through its doors.
The diaspora of former students and colleagues now working in academia and industry across the world are testament to his vision. The condolences shared on their learning of his passing are witness to the admiration and affection in which he was held.