Page 5 - Makaton2
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Chapter 1 Chapter 1
Introduction Introduction
Who uses Makaton
How to use Makaton
People with learning or communication difficulties
Makaton is the UK's leading language programme for adults and children with Here are our five top tips for using Makaton:
learning or communication difficulties. It is also used by everyone who shares their
lives, for example, parents and other family members, friends and carers, and
education and health professionals.
Using Makaton is fun!
How Makaton helps people living with... Use signs and symbols as much and as often as you can.
Always speak as you sign or use symbols.
Offer lots of encouragement.
Don't give up! It may take a while but it is worth it in the end.
Cleft lip & palate.
Developmental language disorder.
Down's syndrome. It is important that only a few signs and symbols are used at the beginning. These
Global developmental delay. will be the most important ones for the child or adult with communication difficulties.
They will be chosen by the people who know the child or adult best. As they learn,
Multi-sensory impairment (deafblindness).
Verbal dyspraxia. more words will need to be introduced.
People developing their language and literacy skills Matching words to symbols and signs
It is very easy to produce materials using symbols and signs, however, care must be
Makaton is used for teaching communication, language and literacy skills with
children and adults who are at an early stage of communication and language taken in order that the correct symbol or sign is used both syntactically and
development. This structured approach can also help people who are learning semantically, and that the result is as meaningful as possible.
English as an additional language, helping them to communicate straightaway, There is often more than one symbol or sign for the same word.
while also supporting their learning.
Mainstream schools
Makaton is regularly used in mainstream schools, to support all children to develop
communication, language and literacy skills. It is also supports integration, as
children with and without language difficulties can communicate with each other,
learn and play together more easily.
People looking after babies and young children
There is a special Makaton Signing for Babies training, available to parents, family
members and professionals who wish to sign with the babies and children in their
care. Signing while speaking, has been show to encourage the development of
communication and language skills. It can also give carers a greater understanding
of a baby's wants and needs, which can help reduce frustration.
All of us
Makaton symbols are widely used in public buildings such as schools, hospitals,
courts and libraries, to help people find their way around. So, you may be using
Makaton in daily life without even knowing it!