Call for Papers: Techno–Human Encounters

Sonorities Symposium 2018: Techno–Human Encounters
21 April 2018
School of Arts, English and Languages
Queen’s University Belfast
This symposium aims to provoke a conversation between artists, scholars, and scientists on the conference theme: Techno–Human Encounters. What do we mean by techno– human encounters today? How do changing conceptions of technology, body, life, and environment feed into experience and mediation of sound? And what can be the role of sound in techno–human encounters, especially at times of crisis and uncertainty? Taking its cue from these questions, and drawing on music, sound, media and mobile technologies, the symposium will explore errant and co-emergent aspects of human and nonhuman interactions. We especially encourage submissions on the following themes:
- musical and digital interface
- machine listening and audio coding
- virtual analog
- improvisation and distributed agency
- forms of listening, sounding and voicing embodiment and affect
- noise
- field recording, global challenges, and protest
- sonic critiques of the Anthropocene
- sound and biopolitics
We invite contributions in the form of 20 minute talks. The symposium will be programmed as a part of the Sonorities Festival Belfast and include a keynote by Brian Kane.
Following the guidelines mentioned below, please submit proposals by 11 December 2017 to with the subject line: Techno–Human Encounters
Proposal submission guidelines:
Proposals must not exceed 300 words. All proposals must include the proposer’s name, address, email address and institutional affiliation (if any). All proposals must be submitted electronically as Microsoft or Microsoft-compatible WORD or PDF documents via email. Acceptances will be notified by 15 January 2018.