Teaching Assistants Required 2017-2018
School of Arts English & Languages

The School of Arts, English and Languages is compiling a list of suitably qualified individuals willing to provide teaching and assessment support for the academic year 2017-2018.
The level of support provided will be agreed in writing between the School and the individual, and will be determined by the teaching requirements of each subject area in 2017-2018. Arrangements made for 2017-2018 will supersede any previous arrangements.
As part of our professional obligation to current doctoral candidates, Queen’s PhD students will be given first preference for the most part, but they must have the support of their supervisor, whose signature is required on the form. Students currently in the first year of their PhD must have successfully differentiated before they undertake teaching. Training in teaching support will be provided by the School and University at the start of semester one and attendance at this training is mandatory.
Those who have previously acted as Teaching Assistants in the School must also complete and return the form, if they wish to be considered for opportunities in the academic year 2017-18.
The School will contact successful applicants with details of module teaching being offered. Those who are not selected for teaching assistance in 2017-18 will have their forms retained should future opportunities arise.
If you wish to be considered for the provision of teaching and assessment support for 2017-2018, please download the appropriate Expression of Interest form below. This should be completed and returned to Karen Blemmings, School Manager (aelschoolmanager@qub.ac.uk), by Friday 16 June, 2017. A current CV should also be included.
Expression of Interest Form – English
Expression of Interest Form – French
Expression of Interest Form – Spanish
Expression of Interest Form – Irish
Expression of Interest Form – Music
Expression of Interest Form – Drama
Expression of Interest Form - Film