Yo Tomita: List of publications and work in progress
- J. S. Bach's `Das
Wohltemperierte Clavier II': A Critical
Commentary, 3 vols.
- Fugal
Composition: A Guide to the Study of Bach's '48' by
Joseph Groocock, Edited by Yo Tomita, (Connecticut: Greenwood
2003) xiii+230p.
- Bach
Studies from Dublin: Selected Papers from the Ninth Biennial
Conference on Baroque Music, held in Trinity College Dublin, 12-16 July
2000. Irish Musical Studies, volume 8.
Edited by Anne Leahy and Yo Tomita (Dublin: Four
Courts Press, 2004) 272pp.
International Symposium: Understanding Bach's M-minor Mass.
Discussion Book 1 and 2, edited by Yo Tomita, Elise Crean,
Ian Mills and Tanja Kovačević (Belfast: School of Music and Sonic Arts, 2007), 511p
- The Genesis and
Early History of Bach's Well-tempered
Clavier, Book II: a composer and his editions, c.1738-1850
Ashgate, forthcoming) vol.1: Background; vol.2: Analysis. Prepared
jointly with Richard
- The Baroque Masters: Bach
(Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2011. xxxvii, 574p. ISBN:
978-0-7546-2891-0. (= The Baroque Composers, Series Editor: David
- Exploring Bach's B-minor Mass (Cambridge University Press, c.2013) xxx, 314p. ISBN: 978-1107007901.
- The Cambridge Bach Encyclopedia
(Cambridge University Press, c.2014).
Chapters in Books
- "Reading Soul from Manuscripts: Some Observations on Performance Issues in J. S. Bach's Habits of Writing His Music", Essays in Honor of Christopher Hogwood. The Maestro's Direction, ed. Thomas Donahue (Lanham: The Scarecrow Press, 2011), pp. 13-40. [ISBN: 978-0-8108-7737-5]
- "'Most ingenious, most
learned, and yet practicable work': The English Reception of Bach's
Well-Tempered Clavier in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century seen
through the Editions Published in London", The Piano in
Nineteenth-Century British Culture: Essays on Instruments, Performers
and Repertoire, eds. Therese Ellsworth and Susan Wollenberg
(Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007), pp. 33-67. [ISBN-10:
0754661431; ISBN-13: 978-0754661436]
"Bach and Dresden: A New Hypothesis
on the Origin of the Goldberg Variations (BWV 988)", Music
and Theology: Essays in Honor of Robin A. Leaver, ed.
Daniel Zager (Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 2006), pp.
169-192 [ISBN 0810854147]
- "The dawn of the English
Bach movement manifested in Sources of
the '48'".
English Bach Awakening: Knowledge of J. S. Bach and his Music in
England 1750–1830, ed. Michael Kassler (Aldershot:
Ashgate, 2004), pp. 35-167 [ISBN 1-84014-666-4]
"Pursuit of Perfection: Stages of
Revisions reflected in the Wesley/Horn '48'",
ditto, pp. 341-77.
"Samuel Wesley as Analyst of Bach
fugues", ditto, pp. 379-402.
"Bach's Credo
in England: an early history" Irish Musical Studies,
viii (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2004), pp. 205-227. [ISBN
"Streben nach Korrektheit: Samuel
Wesley als Herausgeber von Bachs Klavierwerken". Bachs Musik für Tasteninstrumente. Bericht über
das 4. Dortmunder Bach-Symposion 2002, ed. Martin Geck
(Dortmund: Klangfarben-Musikverlag, 2003), pp. 87-103.
"Gibt es bisher unbekannte Kanons
von Bach? Einige Ergebnisse juengster Forschungen
zur Fruehzeit der Bach-Bewegung in England", Leipziger
Beiträge zur
Bachforschung, v, ed. Ulrich Leisinger (Georg Olms Verlag,
2002), pp.
(東京・小学館、1998年), 64-83
Journal Articles
- "Mendelssohn and The Schübler Chorales (BWV 645-650): A New Source
found in the Riemenschneider Bach Institute Collection",
Bach, xliv/1 (2013), 1-45. (Jointly written with Nobuaki Ebata and Ian Mills)
- "Veiled
aspects of Bach Reception in the long Nineteenth Century Exposed
through a Macro-examination of Printed Music: with Particular Focus on The Well-Tempered Clavier", Understanding Bach, vii (2012), pp. 20-53.
- "《ロ短調ミサ曲》とバッハ研究: 作品の伝承と楽譜編集史からみる研究上の諸問題" 国立音楽大学音楽研究所年報 第24集 (2012), pp.145-182.
- "The Implications of Bach's Introduction of New Fugal Techniques and Procedures in the Well-Tempered Clavier, Book Two", Understanding Bach, vi (2011), pp. 35-50.
- "《ゴルトベルク変奏曲》の成立をめぐって: 現代におけるピアニストへの一提言" 国立音楽大学音楽研究所年報 第23集 (2011), pp. 91-115. (注:PDFファイルは校正稿で、頁番号が異なっている)
- "オリジナル資料から学ぶバッハの《パルティータ》 第2番と第6番" 国立音楽大学音楽研究所年報 第22集 (2010), pp. 107-131.
- "Neue
Quellen zu Johann Sebastian Bachs Violinsoli (BWV 1001-1006). Zur
Rekonstruktion eines wichtigen Überlieferungszweigs" [with
Tanja Kovačević], Bach-Jahrbuch, xcv (2009), pp. 49-74.
- "Bachowskie przebudzenie Mozarta - studium kontekstu, Przegląd Muzykologiczny: rocznik Instytutu Muzykologii UW, vii (2009), pp. 191-223.
- "バッハの自筆譜から我々は何を学べるか――演奏者と研究者の永遠の課題" 国立音楽大学音楽学研究所年報 第21集 (2009), pp.159-174.
- "Anna Magdalena as Bach's
Bach, ii (2007), pp. 59-76
"Psalm and the Well-Tempered
Clavier II: revisiting the old question of
Bach’s source of inspiration" Bach, xxxii/1 (2001),
pp. 17-43.
"Bach and his Early Drafts: Some
observations on little known early versions
of Well-Tempered Clavier II and the 'Goldberg' Variations from the
Gorke Collection",
xxx/2 (1999), pp. 49-72.
"Bach Reception in Pre-Classical
Vienna: Baron van Swieten's circle edits
the 'Well-Tempered Clavier' II" Music
and Letters, lxxxi/3 (2000), pp. 364-391.
"The Online
Bach Bibliography",
xxvi (Dec.2000) [web journal]
"Das Wohltemperierte Clavier in
England, Abschriften aus dem Besitz von
Charles Burney und Friedrich Wilhelm Mapurg",
lxxxiv (1999), pp. 143-149.
"Analysing Bach's Ink through a
glass darkly." Musical Times, cxxxix/1865
(Winter 1998), pp. 37-43.
"The Sources of J. S. Bach's Well-Tempered
Clavier II in Vienna,
1777-1801." Bach,
xxix/2 (1998) pp. 8-79.
- "New technology and piano
study in higher education: getting the most out
of Computer-Controlled Player Pianos"
Journal of Music Education, XIII (1996), pp.
135-141 (written jointly
with Graham
- "Bach, The Font: Inline
Music Graphics for Databases and Spreadsheets."
in Musicology, ix (1993-94), pp. 61-64.
- "The Spreadsheet in
Musicology: An efficient working environment for statistical analysis
in text critical study."
iii (Dec., 1993), pp. 31-37.
Conference Proceedings
- "Breaking the Limits: Some
Preliminary Considerations on Introducing an e-Science Model to Source
Studies", Musicology and Globalization. Proceedings of the
International Congress in Shizuoka 2002 (Tokyo: Academia
Press, 2004), pp. 233-7
Dictionary Entries
"Bach, Johann Sebastian",
Mozart Encyclopedia,
ed. Cliff Eisen and Simon Keefe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2006), pp. 38-41.
Critical Edition
of Music
J. S. Bach: Das
Wohltemperierte Klavier Teil II. Hrsg. von Yo Tomita (München:
G. Henle Verlag, 2007)
Publication on WWW
Bach Bibliography
(Released on 5 May 1997)
This is a catalogue of Bach-related
references with sophisticated search
facilities. The search engine of the database is created by Malcolm
Computing Services, QUB.
Review Articles
- 'Siegbert Rampe, ed., Bach:
Das Wohltemperierte Klavier I: Tradition • Entstehung • Funktion •
Analyse. Ulrich Siegele zum 70. Geburtstag’,
Eighteenth-Century Music, iii/1 (2006), pp. 155-7
- 'Karl Hochreither,
Performance Practice of the Instrumental-Vocal Works of Johann
Sebastian Bach.’, Eighteenth-Century Music, i/1
(2004), pp. 92-3
- 'News
and views' [Bach: the Goldberg Variations by Peter Williams (Cambridge
University Press, 2001) vi, 112p] In: The Musical
Times, cxlii/1877 (2001), pp. 65-66.
- 'CD Review: J.S. Bach: The
Well-Tempered Clavier,
Book II, performed on the Harpsichord, Clavichord, Organ and Fortepiano
by Robert Levin. Haenssler (CD 92.117)',
American Bach Society Newsletter,
Fall 2001, pp. 2-4.
- 'Triple counterpoint' [The
Social and Religious
Designs of J. S. Bach's Brandenburg Concertos by Michael Marissen
(Princeton Univ. Press, 1995, 2/1999) 150p; Bach's Works for Solo
Violin: Style, Structure, Performance by Joel Lester (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1999) x, 186p; The Essential Bach Choir by Andrew
Parrott (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2000) xi, 223p] In: The
Musical Times, cxli/1871
(2000), pp. 63-67.
- 'Basic Bach' [An
Introduction to Bach Studies by
Daniel R. Melamed and Michael Marissen (New York, Oxford University
1998), xi + 189 pp. ISBN 0-19-512231-3. In: The Musical Times
(1999), pp. 74-75
- 'A darker Bach' [The New
Bach Reader: A Life of
Johann Sebastian Bach in Letters and Documents. Edited by Hans T. David
and Arthur Mendel. Revised and Enlarged by Christoph Wolff (New York
London, W. W. Norton, 1998), liv + 551 pp. ISBN 0-393-04558-7;
Kleine Ausgabe (BWV2a) nach der von Wolfgang Schmieder vorgelegten 2.
Herausgegeben von Alfred Duerr und Yoshitake Kobayashi unter Mitarbeit
von Kirsten Beisswenger (Wiesbaden, Leipzig and Paris, Breitkopf
Haertel, 1998), xxvii + 490 pp. ISBN 3-7651-0249-0.] In: The
Times cxxxix/1865 (1998) 66-68.
- For a full list of my online reviews in the Bach
Bibliography, click here.
Select list of CD liner notes (commentaries on
Bach's works)
- J. S. Bach: Das
Wohltemperierte Klavier II (Masaaki Suzuki, harpsichord,
BISCD-1513/14) 2008
- J. S. Bach: The Clavier-Übung II
(Masaaki Suzuki, harpsichord, BIS-CD-1) 2006
J. S. Bach: French Suites
(Masaaki Suzuki, harpsichord, BIS-CD-1113/14) 2003
J. S. Bach: Six Partitas
(Masaaki Suzuki, harpsichord, BIS-CD-1313/14) 2002
- J. S. Bach: Clavier-Uebung
III (Masaaki Suzuki, organ BIS-CD-1091/92) 2000
S・バッハ《幻想曲とフーガ集》 (チェンバロ:鈴木雅明、キングレコード)
- J. S. Bach: Fantasien und
Fugen (Masaaki Suzuki, harpsichord. BIS-CD-1037) 2000
S・バッハ《インヴェンションとシンフォニア》 (チェンバロ:鈴木雅明、キングレコード)
- J. S. Bach: Inventions
and Sinfonias (Masaaki Suzuki, harpsichord, BIS-CD-1009) 1999
Bach's Orchestral
Works (Philips) 1997
S・バッハ《ゴールトベルク変奏曲》 (チェンバロ:鈴木雅明、キングレコード)
J. S. Bach: Goldberg
Variations (Masaaki Suzuki, harpsichord. BIS-CD-819) 1997
S. Bach: Das wohltemperierte
Klavier, I Teil (Masaaki Suzuki, harpsichord. BIS-CD-813/14)
S・バッハ《平均律クラヴィーア曲集》第一巻 (チェンバロ:鈴木雅明、キングレコードKICC204/5)1996
updated: 26 June 2013