Dr Cheryl Lawther - Simpson Visiting Scholar at University of Wyoming
Mitchell Institute Senior Research Fellow Dr Cheryl Lawther will attend the University of Wyoming as a 'Simpson Visiting Scholar' in November 2016.
The Milward L. Simpson Fund was established to ‘further, foster and advance education and learning in the field of political science at the University of Wyoming’. The Fund provides for a number of research led initiatives, with funding awarded on a competitive basis. Drawing on her ongoing work on dealing with the past in Northern Ireland and current AHRC funded project on ‘Voice, Agency and Blame: Victimhood and the Imagined Community in Northern Ireland’, while in Wyoming, Cheryl will teach a number of classes on transitional justice and deliver a public lecture on legacy issues in Northern Ireland.
Cheryl Lawther
Dr Cheryl LawtherSenior Research Fellow
Email: c.lawther@qub.ac.uk
Tel: 028 9097 3300