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Find a PhD Supervisor
Supervisor | Research Opportunities | School | Department |
Dr Alex MurraySchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Decadence and Aestheticism Oscar Wilde; Modernism Literature and place The politics of literary form Literary theory |
Open to PhD applications in: Decadence and Aestheticism Oscar Wilde; Modernism Literature and place The politics of literary form Literary theory | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Derek JohnstonSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Gothic / horror, science fiction, fantasy in and across media Representations of history in media. History of media, ... television, film, horror, gothic, folk horror, science fiction, historical drama |
Open to PhD applications in: Gothic / horror, science fiction, fantasy in and across media Representations of history in media. History of media, particularly in the UK | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Simon StathamSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Critical discourse analysis Language of crime Language in the media Language and the law Language and literature (sty... |
Open to PhD applications in: Critical discourse analysis Language of crime Language in the media Language and the law Language and literature (stylistics) | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor Steven WilsonSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: French Studies and the Critical Medical Humanities; Post-1789 French literature on health, illness, pathology, disabi... french literature, medical humanities, healthcare, illness, disability, end of life |
Open to PhD applications in: French Studies and the Critical Medical Humanities; Post-1789 French literature on health, illness, pathology, disability, pain, end of life; Literary and cultural representations of medical practice, care and experience; Interactions between medicine/science and gender, race, religion, (post-)colonialism and/or ecology/environmental humanities in modern and contemporary French literature, thought or culture. | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Tori HolmesSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in; Digital culture in Brazil/Latin America Representation of urban Brazil (particularly Rio de Janeiro/favelas) Contempo... |
Open to PhD applications in; Digital culture in Brazil/Latin America Representation of urban Brazil (particularly Rio de Janeiro/favelas) Contemporary Brazilian audiovisual production (especially documentary) Urban violence in Brazil Brazilian/Latin American cultural studies Critical data studies Digital ethnography | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor Isabel TorresSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications across the broad spectrum of early modern Spanish literature /culture. The following fields are indicative: Early Modern S... |
Open to PhD applications across the broad spectrum of early modern Spanish literature /culture. The following fields are indicative: Early Modern Spanish poetry /poetics Lyric: theories / practice Golden Age 'comedia' Legacy / reception of the Classics Cervantine Studies Comparative Literature | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Trevor AgusSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Psychoacoustics of mixing |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Psychoacoustics of mixing | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Sian BarberSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of British film history Film censorship Film controversy Audiences film censorship, film history, archives, audiences, British cinema, British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) |
Open to PhD applications in the field of British film history Film censorship Film controversy Audiences | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Stefano BaschieraSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Italian cinema European Screen Industries Film and space New Wave cinema Film distribution |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Italian cinema European Screen Industries Film and space New Wave cinema Film distribution | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Piotr BlumczynskiSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesProfessor Blumczynski welcomes original and ambitious research proposals: Exploring the shared ground between translation and philosophy Logic The... |
Professor Blumczynski welcomes original and ambitious research proposals: Exploring the shared ground between translation and philosophy Logic Theology Linguistics Literature Ethnography History Science and other areas | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Fran BreartonSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Modern poetry 20th century war writing Modern Irish literature Modernist literature |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Modern poetry 20th century war writing Modern Irish literature Modernist literature | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor Mark Thornton BurnettSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesI am open to PhD applications in the fields of Global Shakespeares Shakespeare and film Shakespeare and adaptation Shakespeare and world cin... shakespeare, global, cinema, film, asia, adaptation |
I am open to PhD applications in the fields of Global Shakespeares Shakespeare and film Shakespeare and adaptation Shakespeare and world cinema | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor Janice CarruthersSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of French Sociolinguistics Variation The Structure of Spoken French Temporality in French and Language Policy |
Open to PhD applications in the field of French Sociolinguistics Variation The Structure of Spoken French Temporality in French and Language Policy | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Dominique JeannerodSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Popular Cinema French Thrillers Literary Celebrity |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Popular Cinema French Thrillers Literary Celebrity | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Leontia FlynnSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Poetry Creative writing |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Poetry Creative writing | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Garrett CarrSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Creative Non-Fiction Fiction Young Adult Fiction |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Creative Non-Fiction Fiction Young Adult Fiction | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Sue-Ann HardingSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Translation Social narrative theory Travelling theory Complexity theory Russian area studies Literature, ... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Translation Social narrative theory Travelling theory Complexity theory Russian area studies Literature, music, space and other related areas | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor Moyra HaslettSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Literature in English written and published between 1680 and 1830 Particularly: women’s writing, Jonathan... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Literature in English written and published between 1680 and 1830 Particularly: women’s writing, Jonathan Swift, Byron, Irish writing in English, And feminist approaches to literature and culture of this period. | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Chen-En HoSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Cognitive translation and interpreting studies Translation and interpreting pedagogy Gamification & l... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Cognitive translation and interpreting studies Translation and interpreting pedagogy Gamification & learner motivation Feedback practices and autonomous learning Graduate employability Translation and interpreting industry | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor David JohnstonSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Translation, Interpretation and Representation |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Translation, Interpretation and Representation | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Edel LambSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Early modern studies, particularly Shakespeare and Renaissance performance cultures Age, childhood and ge... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Early modern studies, particularly Shakespeare and Renaissance performance cultures Age, childhood and gender in early modern literature and culture Early modern literature (especially drama) and civil unrest, including protest, riot | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Stefanie LehnerSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Contemporary Irish Literature and Culture, specifically Northern Irish fiction and drama since the 1998 A... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Contemporary Irish Literature and Culture, specifically Northern Irish fiction and drama since the 1998 Agreement Comparative studies in Post-conflict cultures, specifically in relation to issues of dealing with the past and reconciliation Comparative studies in trauma and memory studies with a focus on the contemporary Irish cultural context | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor Philip McGowanSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of American Poetry, in particular Wallace Stevens, Elizabeth Bishop and the Middle Generation American Ficti... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of American Poetry, in particular Wallace Stevens, Elizabeth Bishop and the Middle Generation American Fiction Transcendentalism Addiction and Literature Literature and Suicide | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Leon LitvackSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Dickens studies 19th-century British writers 19th-century Irish literature and culture 20th-century Irish... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Dickens studies 19th-century British writers 19th-century Irish literature and culture 20th-century Irish literature Modern post-colonial fiction & theory 19th-century women's travel writing The literature of landscape Film and fiction TV adaptations of 18th-century/Victorian fiction 20th and 21st-century fiction and poetry Textual criticism Landscape literature The literature of place | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Justin LivingstoneSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Imperial travel writing and the literature of exploration Nineteenth and twentieth-century colonial ficti... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Imperial travel writing and the literature of exploration Nineteenth and twentieth-century colonial fiction The African novel in English | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Tim LoaneSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Writing for screen Writing for theatre |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Writing for screen Writing for theatre | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Jane LugeaSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of The language of literature (Cognitive) Stylistics (Critical) Discourse Analysis Translation Studies (of a... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of The language of literature (Cognitive) Stylistics (Critical) Discourse Analysis Translation Studies (of audiovisual/literary texts or from a linguistic perspective) | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Marcas Mac CoinnighSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Linguistics: formulaic language, multiword-fixed expressions in Irish Memory Studies: ideas of collective... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Linguistics: formulaic language, multiword-fixed expressions in Irish Memory Studies: ideas of collective and cultural memory in linguistic landscapes Folkloristics: the narrative tradition and verbal arts. | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Jimmy McAleaveySchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Playwriting for stage and radio Screenwriting |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Playwriting for stage and radio Screenwriting | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Sarah McCleaveSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of G.F. Handel Thomas Moore London theatre history (c.1725-1825) Music in Ireland (c. 1750-1850) 19th-centur... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of G.F. Handel Thomas Moore London theatre history (c.1725-1825) Music in Ireland (c. 1750-1850) 19th-century book trade | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Gail McConnellSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Contemporary Poetry Modern Irish and British poetry Poetics Gail supervises students undertaking both cr... poetry, poetics, contemporary, Irish literature |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Contemporary Poetry Modern Irish and British poetry Poetics Gail supervises students undertaking both critical and creative projects in poetry. | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Aoife McGrathSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Dance Studies Choreographic Practices and Processes Practice as Research Affect Studies in performance Th... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Dance Studies Choreographic Practices and Processes Practice as Research Affect Studies in performance The Maternal in performance Movement practices and performance Interdisciplinary performance practices Collaborative performance practices | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Maria TavaresSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Postcolonial literatures and film from Portuguese-speaking Africa Gender Studies Representations of Femal... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Postcolonial literatures and film from Portuguese-speaking Africa Gender Studies Representations of Female Heroism | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Ricki O’RaweSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Argentine Literature and Art The Fantastic in Literature/Art/Film Hispanic Surrealism and Avant Garde Mov... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Argentine Literature and Art The Fantastic in Literature/Art/Film Hispanic Surrealism and Avant Garde Movements Religion and Spirituality in Hispanic Art and Literature Questions of Self and Subjectivity in Latin American Literature and Art | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Miguel OrtizSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Digital Instrument Design and Performance Practice Technology Mediated Composition |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Digital Instrument Design and Performance Practice Technology Mediated Composition | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor Glenn PattersonSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Creative Writing Prose |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Creative Writing Prose | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Michael PierseSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Twentieth and twenty-first century Irish writing (mainly drama and fiction) British and Irish working-cla... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Twentieth and twenty-first century Irish writing (mainly drama and fiction) British and Irish working-class writing Community Theatre Diaspora and migrant writing Race/ethnicity in contemporary Irish theatre | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Ramona WraySchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Early Modern Women’s Writing Shakespeare Adaptation Memory Studies |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Early Modern Women’s Writing Shakespeare Adaptation Memory Studies | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor Pedro RebeloSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Sound art Socially engaged arts Context-focused Composition and performance Multimodal food experience |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Sound art Socially engaged arts Context-focused Composition and performance Multimodal food experience | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Shaun ReganSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Eighteenth-century literature (1660-1820) Prose fiction: Behn to Austen Laurence Sterne Literature of sla... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Eighteenth-century literature (1660-1820) Prose fiction: Behn to Austen Laurence Sterne Literature of slavery & abolition, 1660-1840 Contemporary historical fiction | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Marc RichardsSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Syntax and/or morphology (theoretical, comparative) Cross-linguistic variation and its formal modelling D... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Syntax and/or morphology (theoretical, comparative) Cross-linguistic variation and its formal modelling Diachronic linguistics and language change Language acquisition (first or second, particularly the acquisition of grammatical knowledge) | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr David RobbSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Politics in music and song (all genres/ national/ international/ contemporary / historical) Cabaret and m... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Politics in music and song (all genres/ national/ international/ contemporary / historical) Cabaret and music theatre | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Daniel RobertsSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Eighteenth-century Periodicals Literature and empire Indian Literature in English The Lake Writers Irelan... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Eighteenth-century Periodicals Literature and empire Indian Literature in English The Lake Writers Ireland and Empire | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Rosalind SilvesterSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Francophone-Chinese Studies Intermediality Contemporary literature, including women’s writing Migration /... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Francophone-Chinese Studies Intermediality Contemporary literature, including women’s writing Migration / Mobility Studies Sartrean Studies | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Caroline SumpterSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Victorian Literature, Culture and Politics (including the 1890s) Literature and Science Literature and Et... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Victorian Literature, Culture and Politics (including the 1890s) Literature and Science Literature and Ethics Periodical Culture Nineteenth-Century Fantasy, including Science Fiction and Fairy Tale | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor Franziska SchroederSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesI am open to PhD applications in any field that has music/music performance, digital media, and improvisation at its focus. I am particularly inter... music, performance, inclusion, digital media, AI, VR, accessibility, disability |
I am open to PhD applications in any field that has music/music performance, digital media, and improvisation at its focus. I am particularly interested in research that reaches beyond music and draws on other areas of research. Current interests include designing musical environments in AI, VR and XR, working for and with disabled musicians. | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Sarah BowskillSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of Mexican literature and culture Cultural production from/about the Mexico-US border Latin American wo... |
Open to PhD applications in the field of Mexican literature and culture Cultural production from/about the Mexico-US border Latin American women’s writing The politics and aesthetics of cultural institutions as they relate to Latin America e.g. film festivals, book fairs, publishing houses, galleries Latin American multimedia cultural production | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor Richard SchochSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the areas of; Theatre Drama Performance Shakespeare |
Open to PhD applications in the areas of; Theatre Drama Performance Shakespeare | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Paul MurphySchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the areas of; Arts-based interventions for public health and social change Simulation-based education for healthcare a... |
Open to PhD applications in the areas of; Arts-based interventions for public health and social change Simulation-based education for healthcare and social care | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Aimee MollaghanSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the areas of; Visual music, film sound, film music, television music, animation, landscape in cinema, acoustic ecology... |
Open to PhD applications in the areas of; Visual music, film sound, film music, television music, animation, landscape in cinema, acoustic ecology and cinema, experimental film, experimental animation, expanded cinema, psychogeography and the moving image, digital special effects, Hollywood Cinema | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Des O'RaweSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the areas of; Documentary Film and Visual Arts Political Filmmaking Cinema Adaptation Modernism |
Open to PhD applications in the areas of; Documentary Film and Visual Arts Political Filmmaking Cinema Adaptation Modernism | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Gabriel Sánchez EspinosaSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the areas of; The literature and culture of the Spanish Enlightenment Spanish Book History Larra |
Open to PhD applications in the areas of; The literature and culture of the Spanish Enlightenment Spanish Book History Larra | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Ali FitzGibbonSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Cultural Labour (precarity, inequality) and the role of the artist Ethics, stakeholder management and organisational ... |
Open to PhD applications in: Cultural Labour (precarity, inequality) and the role of the artist Ethics, stakeholder management and organisational decision-making in arts and cultural industries management Arts & CCI management studies (non-profit and social enterprise) Cultural leadership Themes of cultural policy-making with specific reference to festivals, youth arts and role of the artist | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Stephen KellySchool of Arts, English and LanguagesI welcome PhD applications in any aspect of; Late medieval literature and culture Fifteenth century religious and devotional literature and cultur... |
I welcome PhD applications in any aspect of; Late medieval literature and culture Fifteenth century religious and devotional literature and culture Book history and digital textualities Historiographical writing Critical and cultural theory Translation theory Critical digital studies | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Geraldine LawlessSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Spanish literature of the 19th and early 20th centuries Questions of periodization Modernity, science, futurity and f... |
Open to PhD applications in: Spanish literature of the 19th and early 20th centuries Questions of periodization Modernity, science, futurity and futuristic fiction Women's writing | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Stephen SextonSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Creative Writing: Poetry |
Open to PhD applications in: Creative Writing: Poetry | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor Yo TomitaSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Bach studies with all its branches |
Open to PhD applications in: Bach studies with all its branches | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Mr Frank DelaneySchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Practice-based applications in the area of broadcast production Factual/Documentary TV Radio Podcast Music Compositio... |
Open to PhD applications in: Practice-based applications in the area of broadcast production Factual/Documentary TV Radio Podcast Music Composition for screen and audio Sound Design Proposals that use broadcast media to enquire into new ideas or thinking | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Sinead SturgeonSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Nineteenth-century Irish writing (especially fiction and poetry) Gothic literature Law and literature |
Open to PhD applications in: Nineteenth-century Irish writing (especially fiction and poetry) Gothic literature Law and literature | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor Micheal O MainninSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesI welcome PhD applications in any aspect of; Early modern Irish and Scottish Gaelic language and literature Language and identity in Ireland and S... |
I welcome PhD applications in any aspect of; Early modern Irish and Scottish Gaelic language and literature Language and identity in Ireland and Scotland Language politics Onomastics Dialectology | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Zeynep BulutSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Voice and Sound Studies Experimental Music Sound and Media Art |
Open to PhD applications in: Voice and Sound Studies Experimental Music Sound and Media Art | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Professor Joan RahillySchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Phonetics and phonology Clinical phonetics and linguistics General linguistics |
Open to PhD applications in: Phonetics and phonology Clinical phonetics and linguistics General linguistics | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Trish McTigheSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesI would welcome PhD candidates who wish to work on any aspect of Samuel Beckett's oeuvre and / or students with interests in fields of theatre and ... |
I would welcome PhD candidates who wish to work on any aspect of Samuel Beckett's oeuvre and / or students with interests in fields of theatre and gender studies in general. | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Helen HaswellSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Animation US Screen Industries Film Marketing American Cinema |
Open to PhD applications in: Animation US Screen Industries Film Marketing American Cinema | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Fiona ClarkSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: History of medicine and society in the eighteenth-century Latin American context with links broadly on a trans-Atlant... History of Medicine; Colonial Latin America; Eighteenth Century |
Open to PhD applications in: History of medicine and society in the eighteenth-century Latin American context with links broadly on a trans-Atlantic basis | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Simon MawhinneySchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Composition Notated music Composition Electronic music Computer Assisted composition Music, Composition, Spectralism, Serialism, Computer-Assisted Composition |
Open to PhD applications in: Composition Notated music Composition Electronic music Computer Assisted composition | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Elena CaoduroSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in: Representation of terrorism Cultural memory Nostalgia European and world cinema Gender studies terrorism; nostalgia; fashion; gender; European cinema |
Open to PhD applications in: Representation of terrorism Cultural memory Nostalgia European and world cinema Gender studies | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dawn WatsonSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesPoetry and creative writing narrative poetry; Granta; working class; the Troubles; Northern Ireland; poem story; Elizabeth Bishop; childhood |
Poetry and creative writing | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Gregory TonerSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesMedieval Irish language and literature celtic, medieval, Ireland, literature, language, lexicography |
Medieval Irish language and literature | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Michael WestSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the field of… Scriptwriting in all forms and dramatic genres script, scriptwriting, drama, film, radio, stage |
Open to PhD applications in the field of… Scriptwriting in all forms and dramatic genres | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Claire MoranSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the fields of… Impressionism Gender Aesthetics 19thc textual and visual studies impressionism, artists' writings, aesthetics |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of… Impressionism Gender Aesthetics 19thc textual and visual studies | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Sophie CooperSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesI am open to PhD applications in the field of Irish diaspora history; migration history since c.1800; gendered approaches to Irish religious histor... irish diaspora, women, urban history, irish history |
I am open to PhD applications in the field of Irish diaspora history; migration history since c.1800; gendered approaches to Irish religious history since c.1800; urban history. | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr. Kim-Marie SpenceSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesI am open to PhD applications in the fields of: Cultural and Creative Industries, particularly of the Non-West Cultural Policy Creative Cities/Cit... creative industries, cultural industries, cultural policy, k-pop, reggae, jamaica, south korea, postcolonialism |
I am open to PhD applications in the fields of: Cultural and Creative Industries, particularly of the Non-West Cultural Policy Creative Cities/Cities of Culture Arts & Cultural Management in the Non-West | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Dr Jasbeer Musthafa MamalipurathSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesI am available to supervise PhD projects on: Media and Misinformation Disinformation Media, Religion and Culture Muslim Lives and Cultures Digital... media and misinformation, disinformation, nedia, religion and culture, muslim lives and cultures, digital media and youth, young people and resilience, media and the global south, transnational media practices, south asian diaspora, critical caste studies |
I am available to supervise PhD projects on: Media and Misinformation Disinformation Media, Religion and Culture Muslim Lives and Cultures Digital Media and Youth Young People and Resilience Media and the Global South Transnational Media Practices South Asian Diaspora Critical Caste Studies | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Darragh LydonSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesI am available to supervise PhD projects on: Games Tech Digital Twins ASD Intervention with Games Tech games tech, autism, digital twins |
I am available to supervise PhD projects on: Games Tech Digital Twins ASD Intervention with Games Tech | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Merryn Davies-DeaconSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesI am available to supervise PhD projects on: French sociolinguistics Minoritised languages Projects in linguistics involving identity, prescriptio... french, linguistics, sociolinguistics, minoritised languages, language revitalisation, language shift, language and identity, language revival, digital media, language standardisation, lexis |
I am available to supervise PhD projects on: French sociolinguistics Minoritised languages Projects in linguistics involving identity, prescription/standardisation, language revitalisation/revival, (new) media, lexis, orthography, and/or sociolinguistic aspects of multilingualism. | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Síobhra AikenSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the fields of… an nualitríocht athbheochan na Gaeilge (in Éirinn agus i Meiriceá Thuaidh) ... léann an tráma agus na teistiméireachta, léann na cuimhne, diaspóra na nGael, Athbheochan na Gaeilge, cúrsaí inscne, réabhlóid na hÉireann (1916–23), trauma & testimony studies, memory studies, Irish diaspora, Irish Studies, the Gaelic Revival, gender studies, Irish revolution (1916–23), Irish Civil War (1922–23) |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of… an nualitríocht athbheochan na Gaeilge (in Éirinn agus i Meiriceá Thuaidh) legacies of war and revolution trauma & testimony studies; medical histories; medical humanities | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Alexander FisherSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the fields of… Music in film African cinema Online distribution of world cinema Cinema and diaspora Cross-cultu... Africa, cinema, online, distribution, film, netflix, music, sound |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of… Music in film African cinema Online distribution of world cinema Cinema and diaspora Cross-cultural approaches to film | School of Arts, English and Languages | |
Gizem MelekSchool of Arts, English and LanguagesOpen to PhD applications in the fields of journalism, political communication, media effects, agenda-setting and framing, election coverage, climat... political communication, media effects, agenda-setting, social media, election coverage, Instagram, visual framing, gender and media, climate change communication |
Open to PhD applications in the fields of journalism, political communication, media effects, agenda-setting and framing, election coverage, climate change communication, visual communication, social media studies, and gender representation in sports media. I welcome projects with a cross-national focus, particularly in Turkey, the UK, and the US. | School of Arts, English and Languages |